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In The Knowing

September 18, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments


I’m fascinated with coincidence, serendipity, karma, destiny; a true believer in all things happen for a reason.

Often following the thread of my life in my mind, easily seeing how I got to where I am because of certain occurrences, even though I’m frequently baffled by my present state of being.

One tired bird.

It’s a crazy mixed up road I travel, with a constant flow of surprising twists and turns. I’ve learned to pay attention to those seemingly chance or happenstance encounters with people I might not otherwise think I’d meet up with. They usually end up playing a significant role in my life. Boring, my life is not. I accept living in the Twilight Zone but I admit, it can get a bit overwhelming. The continuous barrage of situations and events that have occurred over the past two years in particular, have come quite close to being more than I can bear, demanding every ounce of strength and decorum I can muster.

I’m tired.

Sometimes I take a step back and seek perspective or insight from a totally outside source; a source that deviates from my practical nature. The “aunt” who used to read my tea leaves moved back to Scotland many years ago and has since passed. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to check in with such a source. I was long overdue and therefore thrilled to learn a friend of mine had an “in” with an astrologer who lives in France.

I was even more thrilled to learn she would be visiting the U.S. this September. Several months ago, my friend emailed her my name, birth date, the time I was born and the city I was born in, so she could construct my birth chart.

Sometime in-between then and now, she did just that.

My personal birth chart.

I’ve always had an interest in Astrology although the closest I come to really knowing anything about it at all, is what I learned from an astronomy class I took in college. Not quite the same thing. I’ve always been convinced however that the position of the earth on the day you were born, as it relates to the planets in the universe most definitely effects who and how, you are.

Check out the symbol for your sign!

This week I had an awesome opportunity to confirm that.

For nearly three hours I listened in awe to this woman I hardly knew, revealing me, to me.  She described why my character is the way it is, how I approach things according to the influences of the other signs in my chart. It made sense. I made sense — to me.

Now I understand why when I read my horoscope it never really rings true. All of my basic character traits are true to my sign at the core but the sun was rising in Gemini when I was born. That means everything I “start”, has Gemini tendencies to it. Aquarius was right there too at the opposite end of Gemini giving me endless interest in so many things, hence the lack of boredom in my life. Sagittarius is responsible for my keen sense of instinct and my need for meaning in all that I do. Leo at my birth adds to my creativity. These four signs play a large role in who I am. There were so many “ah-ha!” moments!  It was fascinating and fantastic! The whole experience gave me amazing insight and relief.

I’m all about authenticity. This lady was a bona fide astrologer. She had done her homework, researched my personal chart, wrote notes, provided suggestions and even had her own questions for me. She could see that things occurred in my life at certain times based upon where the planets were in my chart as I grew up.

I was nearly speechless when without doubt or hesitation, she asked me what life-changing, significant event happened when I was 23.

How could she know?  Hardly anyone does.

According to my chart now and the position of the planets over the past year, I’m experiencing a “re-birth” at this time in my life.

“Um, yep, you got that right too — for sure!”

Every aspect of who I am and how I live has been severely interrupted over the past two years, ripped apart, in some cases put out there for all to see and evaluate. I’m not being dramatic. I’m being real. I’ve been blindsided by event after event causing me to change nearly everything, in and about my life.

“Why?” I asked her.

“Why are all these things turning my life upside down and inside out right now?”

Again, without doubt or hesitation, she smiled and said,

“Because they’re meant too.”

“Look.” She pointed to my chart, as if it were there in black and white for me to see.

“It’s right here. You can’t stop it. It has to happen.”

And so it is.

”You have to see it through.” she said with a confident smile on her face. “You have to go through it.”

And so I shall.

It was slightly comforting to learn that apparently, this turmoil is not just limited to me, but is being felt by all those who share my primary birth sign as well.

I’m not alone.

Two years ago, I put myself on a path and started things in motion that I knew in my heart, I wouldn’t be able to stop if I tried.

She’s right.

In addition to pages and pages of written information, she also charted my horoscope for the rest of this year and all of next.

Things will get better!

Sometimes it’s comforting to hear a stranger who knows you so well, confirm for you that you’re not going crazy; the upheavals you feel you’re experiencing are indeed upheavals and just as you believe in your heart to be true that you can and will weather this storm, she concurs that not only will you make it through but when you do, you’ll be all you believed yourself to be and then some.

My chart for next year.

When I left this woman armed with “knowing”, I thanked her and hugged her like you would an old friend. I hugged her because like an old friend, she knew me. From the inside–out, she knows me and she knows what I know.

Tell me, have you ever sought insight about your life from an alternate source?

Photo Credit #1: Karma

Photo Credit #2: Tired Bird

Photo Credits #3 & 5: Karen Szczuka Teich & Takingtheworldonwithasmile.com

Photo Credit #4: Astrological Signs

Categories: Astrology, Culture, Life, Love Tags:
  1. JLH
    September 18, 2011 at 8:05 am

    That is AMAZING! I love that you have this now.


  2. September 18, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Thank you! Me too!!


  3. Heidi
    September 18, 2011 at 8:31 am

    wow,,,I am so glad you had that opportunity. I’d love to see her!

    This is so strange, I just found out about a tea leaf reading I wanted to talk to you about.


  4. September 18, 2011 at 8:45 am

    Tea leaf reading….I’m there!


  5. Veronica
    September 18, 2011 at 11:39 am

    SO COOL, I want to hear more about it! I believe in astrology and that things happen for a reason. I’m going tea leaf reading with you ladies.


    • September 18, 2011 at 12:56 pm

      Set the date……..


  6. jen
    September 18, 2011 at 7:07 pm

    Wow, good for you! Takes courage to look for these things, and even more to look AT them.


  7. Kasey
    September 18, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Hi, Karen,
    Fascinating stuff! I’ve never seen an astrology chart before; super cool! What I can share with you is that I, too, have been through quite a roller coaster, especially the past four years, with extreme crazy emphasis on the past three years, LOL. And, hind site being much clearer, with all of the pain it caused, I can now see that I am a stronger woman and mother for having managed to weather the extremely rough storm. Most recently I went through yet another rough patch when my the man I love and I split up, unexpectedly. Since I’m starting to trust that all difficult paths lead somewhere necessary, I was able to trudge forward with dignity and not let the sorrow rule my life. Over five months have now passed, and my life is finally settling in, and I mean, after the initial four year crazies, proving to me that it took just one last straw (so to speak) for me to get it in gear that I had to believe in myself, welcome change, and take it all in stride. It’s the life process, and now the love and I are communicating again on a different level. I feel assured that most important is the life I have with my daughter, keeping the stability that has been built (by me) in place, and that whatever happens with this new love situation I know it is meant to happen the way it is meant to, yes? (Tongue twister!) Okay, loved reading about all of this, and certainly makes me curious to see what an astrologer would map out for me…however, I’m also enjoying being out of the Twilight Zone you mentioned for awhile, ha, ha…and don’t want anything to burst my “happy” bubble! Glad you got some peace and understanding out of the experience, and love reading about your journey–I totally relate!


    • September 18, 2011 at 10:37 pm

      Thank you, Kasey. I always appreciate your comments and it’s comforting to know that you can relate. I enjoy reading about your journey as well. Enjoy your clarity!!


  8. September 18, 2011 at 8:42 pm

    That was great Karen. I’m a Gemini too! I first went to an astrologer 23 years ago. My life was considreably diffferent than it is now, and like you, my astrologer forteold much which has since come to pass. Sometimes it does help to have that objective viewpoint to get us to understand just a little bit more of what God has in store for us, Very fascinating post.
    ps I also give you credit for putting your charts out there i don’t think I’d be brave enough to do that.


  9. September 18, 2011 at 10:40 pm

    Thanks Karl. I’m guessing most people (like myself) don’t really understand what they’re seeing in the chart so I wouldn’t call myself brave. I was truly fascinated by how much work she had put into it and wanted to share that. Very cool that you had that done so long ago.


  10. September 22, 2011 at 9:28 am



    • September 22, 2011 at 4:26 pm

      Thanks! I thought so too.


  1. September 24, 2011 at 11:51 am

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