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Kids Really Do Say The Darndest Things!

This week I’m taking a cue from a blog I follow where the genius mom actually documents her kids’ quotes! Brilliant, cause kids really do say the darndest things!

If you follow my blog, you probably know I have two kids (that I love and adore) but I will only be quoting one today, my 10-year old daughter. Besides, if I were lucky enough to even overhear a conversation, let alone have one, with my 13-year old son, the entire quote would most likely consist of these three words:

Um, Yeah and Nah.


I’m a good mom and have just documented my boy’s quotes for the past six months.

My girl on the other hand, is a non-stop chatterbox. (I think it’s a gender thing.) Ever see the Volvo commercial where the Dad puts his 5-year old daughter in her car seat, closes the door, gets into the driver’s seat and takes her to school, all the while, she is non-stop chatter, going on and on about who knows what?

That’s my Hannah and at age ten, not only do I get the non-stop chatter about who knows what, I  get the added bonus of her opinion!

Here are a few recent ones….

On The World’s Status

My daughter goes to a progressive school and we do not practice any formal religion. I of course went to Catholic school and was a practicing catholic until I went to college, receiving many of the sacraments up until that age, including confession of my sins.

Not too long ago, my girl came home from school and asked,

Mom, what’s a sin?

Me, in freak-out mode responded, “A sin? Why? Why do you want to know what a sin is?”

I heard it was bad. My teacher doesn’t teach us about sins or war or anything. She pretty much teaches us that the world is perfect but I know it’s not perfect.

You’re a super sleuth, Hannah and you’re right, the world is not perfect.

On Getting A New Car

At the onset of having to get new wheels, I admit, I had a brief moment of panic at the thought of having to bring the car I loved so dearly back to the dealership it was leased from, knowing, now, there would be no way I could afford to lease the same car again. Myself and my girl were driving around town when it hit me and without really thinking about it or looking for a response, I tugged at the steering wheel and said,

“Hannah, how am I going to keep this car?”

Not a full minute passed before my girls’ wheels started turning and she sprung into solution mode……

Here's my Billboard Baby scooter-ing throughout the neighborhood, drumming up sales for our yard-sale earlier this year.

Mom, I got it! From tomorrow to the end of the summer, I say, we go out in the middle of the median and sell like there’s no tomorrow!

Sell? Sell what, Hannah? Lemonade?

Lemonade AND ice-pops mom, lemonade AND ice-pops!

Turns out, I LOVE my new car but Thank you, Hannah!!

On Edward

A year and a half ago, I brought Edward home. My Edward is a creepy but important part of me being able to live life on life’s terms and while we sometimes bring him out to participate in various family activities, his primary function is to keep a watchful eye on my 22-year old punk neighbor.

Edward does an excellent job!

My Edward. Doing his job.

In a few weeks we will begin the process of moving from the only home my daughter has ever known.

Mom I think we have to leave Edward here.


At least until we get to meet our new neighbors.

Why, Hannah?

Well, if we put him in the window before we meet them, they’re going to think we’re freaks and they won’t bring us cookies or cupcakes (cause we’re the new neighbors) and I want the cookies and cupcakes.

Point well taken, Hannah. I  want the cookies and cupcakes too but Edward comes with us.

Hannah & Edward, just hanging around.

Besides, we both know you love him just as much as I do!

Aside from the funny stuff, there are also great pearls of wisdom and insight, as well as profound statements that often come from this blessing of a child, leaving me stunned but mostly, extremely grateful for the gift of her life in mine.

Those I’ll save for another day.

Meanwhile, for more adept quotes from other skilled and clever kids, visit the Young American Wisdom blog — the inspiration for this post!

For happy thoughts from a happy kid, visit Hannah’s blog, I’m Thinking Happy!

If you have an endearing or humorous kid quote, feel free to leave it with me!

Photo Credit #1: Sin

Photo Credit #2: Super Sleuth

Photo Credit# 3-5: Karen Szczuka Teich & http://www.takingtheworldonwithasmile.com

  1. November 13, 2011 at 11:35 am

    Your kid is going to grow up to make loads of money. Not off lemonade- but you have to start somewhere.


  2. November 13, 2011 at 11:49 am

    Ha, ha! I agree. Thanks! And thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂


  3. singleworkingmomswm
    November 14, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Karen, thanks so much for sharing these! I love Edward in the window, and I’ll say this, if you were going to be my neighbors, I would most certainly bring you some homemade cookies and cupcakes! Okay, so I MUST share one of the latest Mayceeisms below. I emailed this out a couple of months ago to family/friends. Enjoy!

    To those of you who know and love Maycee and all of her words of wisdom, you will appreciate this as you begin your day.

    Last night we had the neighbor girl over for homemade mama’s (that’s me) chicken tostadas. Maycee conveniently invited her for dinner, and luckily, this time I actually had enough for all of us to eat, ha, ha. As we were finishing up our yummy food, she (neighbor girl) explained to us that her dad and step-mom were cutting back on their food consumption, therefore, the kids were supposed to cut back as well. She then said that this was very hard for her (as I whipped up her third tostada to polish off the last of everything) as she loves to eat and could eat all day. Maycee was listening intently, and then promptly commented,

    “Well, why don’t they just poop more?”

    (and, she wasn’t smiling when she said it at the time-she was dead serious, but when we burst out laughing after processing what we had just heard, well, of course Maycee joined right in…)


    • November 14, 2011 at 9:13 pm

      Out of the mouths of babes!Thank you so much for sharing Maycee’s infinite & funny wisdom. I see science in her future! The medical field maybe? As always, thank you also, for reading and commenting!


  4. November 17, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    Great, funny post! I’m especially fond of Hannah’s outfit on the scooter. I can tell she has a fine fashion sense. I love her free spirit!
    Thanks a million for the mention. Write it all down, sista! It will be your gift to them someday.


    • November 17, 2011 at 3:15 pm

      Thank you, thank you, thank YOU, sista! (And YES, Hannah has a keen sense of -her own- fashion and a very lovely free spirit.)


  5. December 5, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    Hilarious! I think the Edward-in-window is great.


    • December 5, 2011 at 8:29 pm

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, AC!


  6. December 5, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    You’re welcome! I love your avatar with the fun hairdo!


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