
Posts Tagged ‘Recreation’

Summer Days

August 5, 2012 8 comments

This is where I’ve been spending lots of time lately.

It’s where tranquility can be found….

..through the captivating views,

filled with thought-provoking scenes,

that allow one’s brain to rest and wander at the same time.

There is something about this place that has the ability to center me. Always.

It is where I am truly humbled by nature’s simplicity, power and beauty. Always.

JOY resides here….

and kites fly.

This is where experiments are conducted….

….and laughter abounds!

It is a little piece of heaven on earth and I am blessed.

Where do you find your peace?

Photo credits #1-7 ©Karen Szcuzka Teich &

Simply Joyful

July 1, 2012 6 comments

School’s out and summer’s on!

When I sat down Saturday afternoon to collect my thoughts and start writing, I realized after having been away all week, I hadn’t given the content of this week’s post much thought. Oddly enough, I wasn’t panicked either. It also occurred to me that even though there is still so much going on around me and so much to do, there is nothing pressing, nothing special, nothing terrible and nothing wrong, to write about.

It’s kind of nice when that happens. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, it really is kind of nice. Fishing for something would be foolish. I truly appreciate being able to step off of life’s roller coaster every once in a while, for a while. Recharge. Regroup. Rejoice!

In searching my heart for what was tugging, I kept falling back to thoughts of this past week and smiling to myself.

Nothing brings more joy to my heart than seeing children happy.

Helping the 2-yr old fill up the water tank on the rescue jeep. Get ready to get wet!

Helping the 2-yr old fill up the water tank on the rescue jeep. Get ready to get wet!

And having a rather playful heart myself, I’m keen to the sound of mischievous giggles. When the laughter has an 11-year span in childhood and includes kids ages 2 to 13, conspiring in harmony, even better! Catching the moment on camera? Well, priceless!

This week was simple. It was joyful. It was Simply Joyful.

What brings joy to your heart?

Photo Credit #1 The Gift of Joy

Photo Credit #2 & #3 ©2012 Karen Szczuka Teich &